出版日期:2021-04-30 00:00:00
著者:Iris Ralph
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:Dystopias and Utopias on Earth and Beyond: Feminist Ecocriticism of Science Fiction
摘要:In this chapter, Iris Ralph addresses the relationship between climate fiction (cli-fi) and ecofeminism in a reading of several works of Australian literature: Alexis Wright’s novel Carpentaria (2006); a short fiction by Michelle Law, “Bu Liao Qing” (2020); and a short fiction by Zoya Patel, “Displaced” (2020). Beginning with a brief overview of the literary genre of cli-fi, Ralph turns to ecofeminist critical summations of and interventions in cli-fi literature. Here, Ralph mostly refers to Greta Gaard’s study, Critical Ecofeminism (2017), and in particular to the chapter in it entitled “‘Cli-Fi’ Narratives,” where Gaard both summarizes and critiques the genre of cli-fi. Ralph uses the chapter as a stepping stone to her critical analysis of Wright’s novel and the two short stories. Wright’s novel has been critically recognized for being a representative work of cli-fi, and critics also have read the novel from ecofeminist critical perspectives. Ralph adds to the existing body of criticism by singling out how the novel explicitly attacks the masculinist and anti-environmental principles and practices of competition, unilateralism, and speciesism. “Bu Liao Qing” and “Displaced” appear in an anthology edited by Michael Mohammed Ahmad, After Australia (2020), a collection that represents recent directions in Australian literature that include the new genre of cli-fi and the increased awareness of and response to climate change. Law’s narrative is about rising temperatures that make it impossible to be outdoors at any time during the day without heavy protective gear; Patel’s is about rising sea levels in the Asia-Pacific region that are forcing people to migrate to Australia, a “reluctant provider” (Patel 2020, 94). Ralph reads these cli-fi narratives also through an ecofeminist lens, focusing on the privileged position that masculinist agencies and values have in the world today and how they are major generators of climate change.
關鍵字:After Australia;Carpentaria;Australian Literature;climate change;climate migration;global warming