La búsqueda de correspondencias chinas a los refranes españoles en el Refranero multilingüe (Centro Virtual Cervantes)


學年 / 學期:107-1

出版日期:2018-10-01 00:00:00

著者:劉莉美; Li Mei Liu Liu

著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:Paremia 27, p.179-185

摘要:The search for paremiological correspondence is complex and that difficulty increases when searching for correspondences between two languages as different as Spanish and Chinese. This study points out the difficulties in finding Chinese matches for the Spanish sayings at the Cervantes Virtual Center web page (Cervantes Institute): Refranero multilingüe, a project directed by M. I. T. Zurdo Ruiz-Ayúcar and Julia Sevilla Muñoz. The understanding of the idiomatic meaning of Spanish sayings, the location of full correspondences and the literal translation of the Chinese equivalents are some of the issues that have raised the most significant problems. The elaboration of 200 files carried out in the web page Refranero multilingüe allows us to reach a series of conclusions of interest for the paremiologists working on Spanish and Chinese languages, such as that of the Chinese critical tradition of “rejecting the popular”, as well as the dignification of Chinese proverbs as the primary means of oriental paremiological formation.






