Terminología y clasificación de las paremias españolas y sus correspondencias en chino


學年 / 學期:107-2

出版日期:2019-05-25 00:00:00

著者:Li-Mei LIU LIU 劉莉美

著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:Paremia 28, p.169-174

摘要:To carry out paremiological studies, it is essential to have a univocal terminology, as well as a paremia classification. In the case of Spanish paremiological studies, there are several proposals, terminological as well as classificatory. One of the most used considers the term paremia as an archilexeme of short and judgmental statements. Its author is Julia Sevilla Muñoz, who counted on the collaboration of Carlos Alberto Crida Álvarez for its last update. Based on the archilexeme paremia, this work contains a CECR paremiological-terminological proposal in Mandarin Chinese with a triple purpose: 1. to facilitate communication between two very different linguistic systems, the Spanish and the Chinese; 2. to establish a bridge between two cultures that possess a rich linguistic treasure; 3. to promote the elaboration of comparative studies between Spanish and Chinese paremias. All this is extremely useful given the spread that is reaching the Spanish among the Chinese speakers, as well as Chinese among Spanish speakers.






