The archetype of the hero. An approach to themes and motifs
出版日期:2018-06-01 00:00:00
著者:Fernando Darío González Grueso
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:外國語文研究 28,頁127-148
摘要:This article will begin by delimiting the importance of the perennial concept of the archetype in the evolution of society, followed by a brief critical review of the archetype of the hero in different academic studies. Subsequently, a comparative analysis of themes and motifs of the hero archetype in different mythologies of the world will try to offer substantial proof, and reinforce the idea, in a qualitative manner, that the figure of the mythological hero is the same all around the globe. On the other hand, since 1902, when Carl Gustav Jung introduced the concept of the archetype in his work entitled Zur Psychologie und Pathologie sogenannter occulter Phänomene. Eine psychiatrische Studie, the archetype of the hero has been thoroughly studied by many anthropologists and folklorists of great importance, and on several occasions, these studies have served concrete political interests, or have been created in the service of certain ideologies. In order to create his concept of archetype, Jung was inspired by the reiteration of motifs and themes in various mythologies of the world. Hence, the work we propose employs mythological heroes from the most diverse origins. Such elements will be the translator hero, the penetrating hero, the magical circle, and the gift, which shall disclose relevant data regarding to the common characteristics to many, if not all, mythological heroes of the world.
收錄於:THCI Core