

學年 / 學期:103-2

出版日期:2015-06-30 00:00:00

作品名稱(其他語言):Modeling Casual Relationships among Public Transportation Seamless Transfer's Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Case of Transfer Stations in Taipei Metropolitan

著者:陶治中; 范傑智

著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:運輸學刊 27(2), p.249-279

摘要:隨著經濟發展與國民所得提高,台灣地區整體私人運具使用率逐年攀升,此與政府欲提升公共運輸服務與使用率之政策目標,呈現明顯落差。根據交通部統計處調查顯示,民眾不願搭乘公共運輸的因素,有23%~30%的民眾認為公共運輸轉乘不便為主因之一,亦即公共運輸轉乘不便的問題未能有效改善,民眾若同時擁有公共運具與私人運具的方案選擇,則民眾可能會因不滿意公共運輸轉乘的服務品質而失去對於公共運輸的忠誠度。 有鑑於此,本研究配合交通部推動複合運具(Multimodal)轉乘與整合服務趨勢,嘗試以使用者觀點,探討公共運輸無縫轉乘之空間、時間、資訊與服務四大面向之潛在構面與相關觀察變項,並依前述關聯模式架構,結合服務品質、顧客滿意與顧客忠誠理論模式,建構一個可反映現況之因果關係網路模式。 本研究參酌相關文獻與民眾訪談意見,將模擬情境納入問卷題組中,並以台北都會區複合運輸場站台北車站與板橋車站之有無私人運具乘客為實證分析對象,進行問卷調查分析。 依據問卷調查結果,本研究透過結構化方程模式驗證所提模式之配適程度,確立構面間路徑之成立關係,以奠定整體模式之合理基礎,然後藉由貝氏網路模式,在整體無縫轉乘服務品質的改善與無縫轉乘滿意度的提升之下,預測乘客對公共運輸忠誠度的變化,並從中歸納出關鍵改善構面與次序,據以提出改善策略。 經由實證分析結果顯示,本研究之關聯模式僅有無縫轉乘服務品質影響乘客公共運輸忠誠度路徑關係不成立,其餘路徑關係皆為成立,證明無縫轉乘滿意度確實在無縫轉乘服務品質與乘客公共運輸忠誠度之間扮演中介角色,亦即透過無縫轉乘服務品質改善與無縫轉乘滿意度提升將可有效提升乘客對於公共運輸忠誠度,另歸納出四大無縫構念之改善優先次序,分別為時間無縫、服務無縫、空間無縫、資訊無縫。 本研究成果在於建立一個公共運輸無縫轉乘服務品質、滿意度與忠誠度三者之因果模型,並藉由相關分析而歸納出公共運輸無縫轉乘之關鍵影響構面,可作為相關單位研擬公共運輸轉乘改善方案之參考,亦可提供一個針對不同研究標的或區域之提升公共運輸忠誠度與使用率之範例架構,作為日後相似案例應用之參考。 Due to the rapid economical development, the number of private vehicle is increasing every year which is against the government’s policy of promoting public transportation. According to MOTC’s travel surveys, 23% to 30% of people think the public transportation is not convenient to transfer. It shows that seamless transfer in public transportation becomes a hot issue for research needs. If people have private and public mode choices at the same time, they may lose the loyalty to the public transportation because of poor transfer service quality. For this reason, this research aims at modeling and validating a causal model of seamless transfer serve quality, satisfaction and loyalty to public transportation by conducting an empirical study at two transfer stations in Taipei Metropolitan. The seamless transfer of the public transportation can be classified into space, time, information and service with passengers’ viewpoints. The questionnaires with predefined scenarios are surveyed at Taipei Main Station and Banqiao Station. Passengers at two stations are interviewed under one scenario of having private vehicles and the other of having no private vehicles to identify their intention of loyalty to public transportation. Based on the results of the questionnaires, the hypothesis of causal relationships among service quality, satisfaction and loyalty can be verified by the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).Then Bayesian Network (BN) model is used to predict passengers’ shifts between private and public vehicles if certain seamless transfer strategies are provided. From empirical data, the causal relationship between service quality of seamless transfer and the loyalty to the public transportation research is verified to be not relevant, but the others are, on the contrary, to be relevant. Therefore, the satisfaction of seamless transfer plays the mediator role between the service quality of seamless transfer and the loyalty to public transportation. With BN model, it is proven that the satisfaction can increase if the service quality of seamless transfer can be improved. At the same time the loyalty to public transportation can also be significant. According to priority the strategies to improve service quality of seamless transfer are listed as following dimensions: seamless time, seamless service, seamless space and seamless information. This research presents a causal model of seamless transfer serve quality, satisfaction and loyalty to public transportation which is validated by empirical results. The findings can be referred to other similar application areas with modified models in the future.

關鍵字:公共運輸;無縫轉乘服務品質;無縫轉乘滿意度;乘客公共運輸忠誠度;結構化方程模式;貝氏網路;Public Transportation;Service Quality of Seamless Transfer;Satisfaction of Seamless Transfer;The Passengers’ Loyalty of Public Transportation;Structural Equation Modeling;Bayesian Network







