出版日期:2016-03-25 00:00:00
作品名稱(其他語言):The Interpretations of De-phrase and Boundedness
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:九州大学言語学論集 36, pp.147-161
摘要:本稿では、中国語の de 補語構文(以下「V-de XP」で表す)の構造と
解釈を有界性(Boundedness)の観点から再考察し、de XP(de 補語構文
における de phrase を de XP で表す)が持つ有界性が de 補語構文の解釈
De 補語構文には様態解釈(manner)と結果解釈(resultative)/程度解
釈(extent/degree)がある(Huang 1988, Li 1990, 相原 1991, Sybesma 1999,
Cheng 2007)。具体例を(1)に示す1。
In this paper, I focused on sentences with de-phrase in Mandarin Chinese,
which have been discussed in the literature (Huang 1988, Li 1990, Aihara 1991,
Sybesma 1999, Cheng 2007). It is well-known that de-phrase denotes manner
reading and resultative reading. It is also claimed in previous studies that
de-phrases with two different readings are analyzed as a result of the different
structures with different lexical items (Li 1990, Cheng 2007). In this paper, I
suggest that there is only one lexical item de and the difference between
resultative reading and manner reading depends on the boundedness of XP that
de selects. Moreover, I also claim that the subject NP in de-phrase plays a
crucial role to determine the boundedness of de-phrase.
關鍵字:De 補語構文;様態解釈;結果解釈;構造;有界性