El metal como repelente del mal


學年 / 學期:97-1

出版日期:2008-12-01 00:00:00

著者:Fernando Darío González Grueso

著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:ELO. Estudos de Literatura Oral, pp.175-188

摘要:There are many storm arousers in the oral tradition. We shall nevertheless start by selecting a few examples of storm arousers who do not enjoy the fame of, let’s say, the mythological Thor, and we shall suggest a series of motifs applicable to all of them. This article explores the methods of expulsion of evil and focuses on the relationships that it establishes with water/tempest/sea, song, and metal. Hence that – after a short introduction to the role played by such elements– we shall attempt to determine the functions that they bear over evil beings and storm arousers. From the main part of this article, we shall draw a conclusion of a social and literary nature. Finally, in the appendix, we shall add what looks like an exception, belonging to Japanese oral literature and for which we suggest a very probable precedent and direct influence. This seemingly exception will lead us to a more general reflection on the utility that folk literature offers to a given community and/ or society





