La traducción literal/libre como creación literaria y/o lingüística: los casos de Martín Lutero, Jorge Luis Borges y Ezra Pound


學年 / 學期:102-2

出版日期:2014-06-01 00:00:00

作品名稱(其他語言):The literal / free translation as a literary and / or linguistic creation: the cases of Martin Luther, Jorge Luis Borges and Ezra Pound




著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:淡江外語論叢=Tamkang Studies of Foreign Languages and Literatures 23,頁91-104

摘要:翻譯史上「直譯」與「意譯」之爭,或是各有時代歷史之需求、或是有捍衛民族文化之意圖、或是有民族語言目的之功用。不能純以單一觀點來定論。本論文從三位譯者的翻譯策略,來佐證「直譯」與「意譯」在其所屬的時代各展其不同功效。以馬丁.路德為例,其《聖經》翻譯語言是採取一般市井民眾所使用的口語德文做為一種「意譯」的翻譯。馬丁.路德的《聖經》翻譯成為現代德語與第一本德語字典的根基。而「直譯」的運用於文學上,則在突顯異國情調之風格;如龐德之例。龐德從翻譯《華夏》(Cathay)一書,為自己的意象主義穿上影像與聲韻,從翻譯之媒介尋求新詩學之途。波赫士認為翻譯是文化交流的工具。他「自由」色彩濃厚的「意譯」(偶爾也「直譯」)成為他個人創作靈感。他們的翻譯同時帶有譯者意識的「操縱」色彩。透過三位譯者來詮釋「直譯」與「意譯」的相互輝映;歷史見證之下,「直譯」與「意譯」各取所需,沒有絕對的唯一。 The disputes over the literal and free translation in the history of translation involved with each context of different periods, or the intention of defending national culture, or the function of language can not be determined by one perspective alone. This study analyzes the translation strategies from four translators in the East and West, and it suggests that both literal and free translation have their own function in the history. Take German as an example, Martin Luther translates the Bible by adopting the oral language of the common people as a strategy of free translation. His translation of the Bible becomes the foundation of the standard version of the German language and the first German dictionary. For the usage of literal translation, it highlights the exotic in literature. From the end of 19th century to 20th century, these poets as translators, Ezra Pound and Jorge Luis Borges, seek the new poetics through the medium of translation. Through translating Cathay, Pound's imagism is able to embed the image and phonology. As for Borges, translation is a tool for the cultural exchange, and his "very personal free translation" is the inspiration of his creation. Through these translators, this paper suggests that there is no absolute dichotomy of literal and free translation. Moreover, the translation also presents his consciousness of manipulation.

關鍵字:意譯;直譯;馬丁∙路德;波赫士;龐德;free translation;literal translation;Luther;Borges;Pound





