出版日期:2014-09-01 00:00:00
作品名稱(其他語言):A Study of Spanish Novel in Chinese version El desorden de tu nombre according to Benjamin's “The Task of the Translator”
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:廣譯:語言、文學、與文化翻譯=Lingual, Literary, and Cultural Translation 11,頁89-106
摘要:翻譯作品一直背負著閱讀流暢的使命。流暢度是譯作首先被檢視的優缺點。以西班牙文小說 El desorden de tu nombre 之中譯本為例,譯者並未恪守譯文流暢的標準。「信言不美,美言不信」成為翻譯史對峙的相視。本論文以班雅明〈譯者天職〉中的「純語言」及其相關的「可譯性」與「凝視」之觀點來詮釋於文學作品與其譯作之關係,借用西班牙小說 El desorden de tu nombre 之中譯本(《在妳的名字裡失序》)來「驗證」。翻譯過程是一種對原文的「凝視」;凝視之眸,呈現其「可譯性」;可譯性之質,呈現其「純語言」之共同性。於是,可譯與不可譯不再以語言迻譯之觀點切入,而是從「純語言」詮釋。此外,原著的文字呈現一種「失序」的狀態,意即拆卸組合文字;重新組合後的文字並無相關意義。故中譯本在翻譯上也依循拆組規則戲法;此也是本論文將〈譯者天職〉裡的「破碎瓶罐」套用於翻譯是細心地去黏合破碎的瓶罐(支離的文字)。在此強調,取班雅明「破碎的瓶罐」之文字「表象」,實為替中譯本之「信言不美」賦予他義。
Translated works have always carried on the mission of reading fluency which is firstly considered the quality of translated works. Taking the Spanish novel "The Disorder of Your Name" ("El desorden de tu nombre") as an example, the translator of this novel does not comply with such standard of its fluency. 'Truthful words are not beautiful, beautiful words are not truthful' ("belles infidels"). Such a saying has become the contradiction in the history of translation. This paper focuses on the concept of "pure language" and its related viewpoints, such as "translatability" and "gaze" in Benjamin's "The Task of the Translator" to explain the relation between literary works and translated ones; by taking the Chinese translated version of "El desorden de tu nombre" (《在妳的名字裡失序》) with the purpose of a better inspection. The process of translation is taken as a "gaze" upon the original works; the eyes of such an act which demonstrate its "translatability". The essence of "translatability" illustrates the communion with "pure language". Therefore, translatability and non-translatability they both do not only be viewed from language such a point of view, or rather, from "pure language" instead. In addition, the text in the original work is in the status of "disorder"; that is, disassembling and assembling the words. The words which are assembled anew share a few in common. Hence, the translation of this Spanish novel follows the same disassembling and assembling scheme. This paper applies the idea of the broken bottles of "The Task of The Translator", demonstrating that translation is a dedication of assembling the pieces of broken bottles (isolated words). The emphasis is, the significance of Benjamin's idea of broken bottles is actually giving the translated works another meaning; that is, 'truthful words are not necessarily less beautiful'.
關鍵字:班雅明;〈譯者天職〉;米雅斯;《在妳的名字裡失序》;Benjamin;"The Task of The Translator";Millás;"El desorden de tu nombre"