

學年 / 學期:97-1

出版日期:2008-12-01 00:00:00

作品名稱(其他語言):The Meaning of "Beauty" in the Chinese Chun-Qiu Period




著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:人文集刊 7,頁1-39

摘要:中國在清末引進西方哲學美學的概念,做為一種新的研究領域和方法,對中國的學術發展,乃至於中西文化的融會貫通,都是一種正面的發展。然在這百年之間,東西方在同一領域及術語的使用上,某些學者仍存在一些基本認知的差異,譬如在「美」的定義、對象、範疇上的不同看法。如何在一個彼此可以對話的語言架構上,去闡述中國文化傳統中,異於西方文化體系認知範圍的特質?這是許多學者一直在努力的工作。法國學者葉幽蘭女士(Yolaine Escande)在她的〈中國的藝術、美學與文化認同〉一文提到:「美學做為美的科學在中國藝術中並不存在,不管是傳統或當代,「美」不是一個被使用的範疇。其次,這些分類的範疇被使用,它們首先是與藝術家本身,而不是和作品有關。」葉氏的觀點,涉及一個美的概念問題。從西方美學的語言系統去檢驗中國古代文獻,則中國有沒有美學的問題,正如中國有沒有哲學一樣,總是在某些時刻會被重新提及。本文主旨,在於重新考察「美」在中國春秋時期文獻中的意義,並回應如葉氏那樣的詮釋觀點。 The study of ”Aesthetics” was introduced to China in Chin Dynasty as a new methodology. It has positively influenced the Chinese studies in humanity, philosophy and literature. For hundreds of years, the use of aesthetic terms by the Eastern and Western scholars still has generated problems, for example, such conceptualization used in defining objects and categorizing Beauty. How do we interpret the specific characters of the Chinese culture in an understandable discursive system for all? Certainly, many scholars have worked on it. Whereas Mme. Yolaine Escande said in her ”Art, Aesthetics, and the Chinese Cultural Identity”: ”The aesthetics, as a science of the Beauty, never exists in the Chinese art, neither in the ancient nor the modem times, the Beauty is not a category of aesthetic sensibility. And in addition, the classifications of aesthetics were not connected to works of art, but with the artists. ”She emphasized on the question of conceptualization and the definition of Beauty. The purpose of this paper is to reconsider the meanings of Beauty at the time of Chun-Qiu Period in China, and responds to Mme. Yolaine Esconde's judgment on the Chinese Aesthetic.

關鍵字:美學;美;善;文化差異;藝術批評;Aesthetics;Beauty;Goodness;Cultural Difference;Art Criticism




