Traduisibilité et intraduisibilité Une étude Interculturelle du Concept de Romantisme


學年 / 學期:100-1

出版日期:2011-12-01 00:00:00

著者:陳麗娟; 賈瑪莉; 江灝

單位:淡江大學法國語文學系 淡江大學西班牙語文學系


著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:淡江外語論叢 18,頁75-91

摘要:翻譯是一種語際間的符號轉換,旨在將原文信息忠實地傳達給目的語言的接收者。然而,不同民族各有其語言符號傳遞的方式,因此如何正確地傳遞信息,成為跨文化溝通之成功關鍵。本文將由「浪漫」詞彙於中文、法文、英文、德文四種語言的定義出發,來了解他們對於該詞彙的解讀異同性,並輔以其他翻譯實例,進而討論文化詞彙的翻譯可能性、翻譯技巧及原則。 Translation is a text-switch between languages, with a purpose of accurately carrying the message content from the speaker's source language to recipient's target language. Since speakers from different racial groups use different ways to communicate, it is critical to consider how message content can be translated accordingly and appropriately for a successful intercultural communication. The present study will illustrate the significance of the issue through discussing the word "romantic" or "le romantisme". The connotation of the word is given unequivalently by Chinese speakers in some Asian countries (e.g., Taiwan and China) versus French or German speakers in Europe. The researchers will discuss this case from a holistic view of four languages: Chinese, French, English, and German, to examine the disparate interpretations while supplemented with more examples to explore the issue and principles of semantic translatability.

關鍵字:翻譯; 可譯性; 不可譯性; 溝通; 信息; 符號; 傳遞; 跨文化; 浪漫; translation; translatable; non-translatable; communication; message; symbol; conveyance; intercultural; romantic





