

學年 / 學期:93-2

出版日期:2005-07-01 00:00:00

作品名稱(其他語言):The Short Phrases in Spanish Coming from the Bible

著者:何萬儀; Her, Wan-i




摘要:西班牙文係由拉丁語演進而成,基督教則於公元二世紀左右在伊比利半島傳播開來,拉丁文和基督教都是由羅馬帝國在今日的西班牙殖民統治時期傳入。基督教思想對西班牙各個層面的影響既深且鉅,尤其是在長期伴隨著西班牙語形成發展的過程中,基督教思想及隨之產生的宗教文化已融入這個語言並與之緊密相連,這個事實反應在西班牙文的日常生活用語上。本文以由Casiodoro de Reina(1520-1594)所翻譯之1569年西班牙文版本聖經(第一本完整翻譯成西班牙文並通行於世的聖經)為依據,將現代西班牙文從聖經直接或間接引用之短語匯整說明。The Spanish language derives from Latin, and the Christianity was spread in the Iberian Peninsula at about the second century. Both Latin and Christianity were introduced to Spain by the Roman Empire during the time of colonization. The Christian mentality has since had an influence of great dimension in all the aspects of this country. Especially, throughout the long period of coexisting with the Spanish language, Christianity and the derived religious culture have become intimately integrated with the above mentioned language and have formed a compact union. This fact has reflected in the daily expressions. In this investigation all the biblical quotations will be taken from the Spanish Bible of 1569 version of Casiodoro de Reina (1520-1594), and we will gather and explain the significance of the short phrases in Spanish related directly or indirectly to the Bible.

關鍵字:基督教; 聖經; 短語; 西班牙文慣用語; Christianity; Bible; Short phrases; Spanish locutions

