El anacronópete (1884, 1887), the First Journey in a Time Machine in Hispanic Literature


學年 / 學期:112-2

出版日期:2024-03-14 00:00:00

著者:Rachid Lamarti

出版者:Palgrave Macmillan

著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:Time Travel in World Literature and Cinema

摘要:El anacronópete (Gaspar y Rimbau 2005) did not pass completely unnoticed by the contemporaries of Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau. For instance, the protagonist of Bertrán Rubio’s short story “Uninvento despampan ante” (1906) boasts that neither the phonograph, nor the wireless telegraph, nor the anacronópete of the ill-fated “Gaspar” could compete with his own instant and reversible psico-kinos-fono-fotocromógrajo (426). However, a few years later, El anacronópete and its author were forgotten. They did not reappear until the end of the twentieth century, rescued by Saiz Cidoncha (1988), Santibáñez-Tió (1995), and Ayala Aracil (1998), who also did not hesitate to call Gaspar y Rimbau the true inventor of the first time machine.

關鍵字:Time Machine;Science Fiction;Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau;Satire; Time Travel

