Planteamientos, avances y conclusiones relevantes para el ámbito e/le en las obras colectivas clave sobre el alumnado chino


學年 / 學期:112-1

出版日期:2023-11-25 00:00:00


著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:RLA. Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada 61(2), p.147-172

摘要:In recent years, interest in teaching Spanish as a foreign language (E/LE) to Chinese speakers has grown enormously. The cultivation of this specialty connects with the current of international research on Chinese-speaking educational contexts, which has been developed, above all, from the field of English teaching around the concept of Chinese learner. Among the numerous publications produced within this field, three collective works, linked to each other, published by the University of Hong Kong between 1996 and 2010, stand out due to their special relevance and validity. The topics raised in them constitute an unavoidable reference for current studies around Chinese-speaking students, regardless of the subject in question. Since, according to our experience and research, this set of contributions is not usually considered within the E/LE domain, our objective here is to make it known for the first time in a complete and comprehensive way in Spanish, so that they can be considered in current and future studies within this discipline. To do this, we will present the most relevant approaches, advances and conclusions that emerge from these key works, grouped around three fundamental issues: the paradox of the Chinese student, the paradox of the Chinese professor, and the contemporary research framework.

關鍵字:approaches;advances;conclusions;Spanish;collective works;Chinese learner






