Shang dynasty’s “nine generations chaos” and the reign of Wu Ding: towards a unilineal line of transmission of royal power
出版日期:2023-08-17 00:00:00
著者:Gilles Boileau
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 2023;86(2):293-315.
摘要:This article explores the political crisis before Wu Ding. The accession of king Wu Ding to the throne was not a given but the result of a political move by his father Xiao Yi. It must be seen as one of the consequences of an earlier political crisis named the “nine generations chaos” by Sima Qian, during which an attempt to share royal power between two royal lines finally collapsed and led to a move by Pan Geng to a new capital. This new city has recently been discovered north of the Huai river. The political crisis of the time led Shang kings to try to implement a unilineal system of succession. Other steps, ritual in particular, were involved after the reign of the king Zu Jia, one of the reigning sons of Wu Ding, in order to ensure the primacy of the unilineal system of royal succession.
關鍵字:Nine generations chaos;Shang dynasty;Shang lineages;Wu Ding;Royal succession;Political crisis